3 Christmas Decorating Benefits For Retailers

There are numerous benefits to having a professional Christmas display during the holiday season. Here are three ways holiday decor can grow your retail business.


3 Christmas Decorating Benefits For Retailers

When you think of retail stores decorating for Christmas, you might be filled with images of the window displays lining New York City's Fifth Avenue and major shopping malls that transform their atrium into a winter wonderland with oversized Christmas trees and full-scale Santaland photo ops. But what about your retail business? What can holiday decor really do for you? Potentially, a lot more than you may realize.

According to the National Retail Federation, the 2022 Thanksgiving / Black Friday shopping weekend broke records with 196.7 million consumers and the holiday season overall saw a very healthy increase over prior years. With such a crowded marketplace, your business needs to stand out to maximize your seasonal revenue potential. While professional window displays, festive endcaps and Santa photo opps may not be cheap, they are effective tools for increasing a store’s revenue during the competitive holiday season. Here are three simple ways that your retail business can benefit from having a professional holiday display.

Increase Foot Traffic During The Holidays

People simply love looking at Christmas lights and other holiday decorations. It is the reason why crowds gather in front of all those window displays in NYC or why people pay by the carload to drive through a light show in what is normally an empty field they would try to avoid. Customers are drawn to holiday displays and have a higher likelihood of browsing, and potentially making a purchase, in a store that is decorated. Customers also spend more time at decorated businesses. Just as casinos keep people playing with free drinks, you can keep people browsing with a professionally decorated, festive atmosphere.

Gain Additional Publicity with Holiday Decorations

When pictures or videos of your store’s holiday display are shared to social media, that is free publicity for your business. When someone tells a friend about the amazing Christmas display they saw in your store or writes an online review talking about your festive decor, that’s more word-of-mouth advertising. You may even get lucky and have your place can end up on a local list of top holiday destinations to visit - it really happens! Christmas displays can turn a visit to your business into an experience, and if done right, people will want to share that experience with others.

Increase Customer Satisfaction & Happiness  

Did you know that major retailers hire psychiatrists to analyze customer emotions to better study their shopping habits? Customers in a good mood are likely to spend more money and be more patient when it comes to long lines. Happier customers also tend to shop longer and forgive potential service issues.

Lucky for you, Christmas decorations, as well as holiday music and films, have been proven to positively affect dopamine levels in the people enjoying them. This means Christmas displays in your store can literally create a more positive environment, which results in happier customers that will spend more, shop longer and be nicer to your employees.

Want to capitalize on the benefits of Christmas decorating this season?

Transform your storefront into a winter wonderland with Rent-A-Christmas.

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