6 Christmas Decorating Benefits For Municipalities + FAQs

From economic impact to community enrichment, Christmas decorations in your town or city can greatly benefit residents, visitors and local businesses alike.


Commercial Christmas Tree on display in Municipality of White Plains, NY

Nothing says “Christmas Magic” like your city or town’s yearly holiday decorations. Every season, we all look forward to seeing those festive light displays, intricate wreaths and garlands, and iconic figures every time we go out and about. And how can we forget the giant Christmas tree in the middle of the town square, complete with a special lighting ceremony? Even those who don’t celebrate can’t deny the sense of joy and warmth these traditional sites bring with them.

Yet these traditions go far beyond making townsfolk and visitors happy. In fact, they’ve shown a positive impact on tourism, small businesses, and our overall well-being. So, when you decorate the town for Christmas, everything lights up in more ways than one.

Take a closer look at why and how you should decorate your municipality for Christmas.

Foster a Sense of Community

Your municipality’s holiday decorations do more than drum up excitement for the coming season. In fact, they are scientifically proven to boost a sense of morale amongst the residents. According to the Journal of Environmental Psychology, those who decorate their environment notice a vast improvement in their mental well-being. In turn, people are much more joyful and relaxed and will treat each other more kindly.

This also means that your town will see an increase in acts of charity around this time of year. Since it is the season of giving, fundraisers and organizations always get a significant boost. But even something as simple as helping a stranger carry groceries will improve their day. This season surely brings out the good in many people, no matter how big or small. 

Boost Holiday and Winter Tourism

There’s a reason why New York City is such a popular Christmas Time destination. From extravagant decorations and displays to iconic events and outdoor markets, tourists lose themselves in a festive wonderland. From Thanksgiving to Christmas Day, around 6.5 million visitors admire the Rockefeller Center tree, gaze at the windows along Sax Fifth Avenue, and head to Bryant Park or Union Square for gifts and snacks.

One famous marketing strategy perfectly showcased how creating the right environment can increase holiday tourism. In 1985, the municipality of Rovaniemi in Lapland, Finland decided to take advantage of their location in the Arctic Circle. They created a full-fledged Christmas town called ‘Santa Claus Village.’ Some of the many attractions include Santa’s Office, Snowmobile Park, and a full-fledged Elf School. Once an unassuming town, Rovaniemi now has more than 500,000 visitors every holiday season.

Of course, your municipality doesn’t have to go as big and bold as these two cities. But simply adding your own brand of holiday flair will attract plenty of out-of-town and out-of-state visitors. Showcase your best landmark with a festive light display, put your own spin on the town Christmas tree, and dress up Santa in your town’s signature look.

Help Promote Local Businesses 

Of course, with more visitors comes more opportunities for your town’s local businesses to thrive. According to the International Journal of Tourism Studies, tourists are even more curious to see what else you have to offer when they see your brand of holiday wonder. More specifically, the local holiday markets give them a glimpse of what they could experience locally all year round. As a result, they’re more likely to visit your town’s unique shops, restaurants, cafes, and other venues. Whether everyone is buying gifts, preparing a holiday dinner, or treating themselves, they’re sure to create many happy and thankful small business owners.

Attract New Residents

As we said before, memorable decorations can benefit your town long past the holiday season. With increased tourism comes an increase in repeat visitors over the following months or years. And if they come back often enough and begin to feel at home there, they may decide to pack up and move in permanently. The Journal of Environmental Psychology also discovered something else while studying the correlation between Christmas decor and mental health. People and places that decorate for Christmas, especially early in the season, were perceived to be more sociable and friendly. So, naturally, more people would want to be around that energy throughout the year. 

Everyone Gets to Embrace Tradition

Keeping traditions alive is more important than we might realize. According to the Journal of Family Psychology, they help shape our identity, connect us to our past, and offer stability as we go through life. So it’s no surprise the same logic applies to yearly town decorations and events. Not only do the residents look forward to them, but they also feel like they’re a part of something bigger. Many towns have had the same street decor and yearly markets for decades, sometimes even centuries. When new and old residents have something to expect and return to, it helps them feel even more connected to the place they call home.

Find New Ways to Celebrate Diversity

The Society for Human Resource Management recently found that acknowledging religious traditions encouraged more employee engagement and retention. Not surprisingly, that same mindset also applies to your municipality’s residents — more inclusivity means more participation from everyone. It goes without saying they don’t all celebrate Christmas the same way or even celebrate Christmas at all. So, there’s no reason why your town’s decorations shouldn’t reflect that every year. And if you ask us, ‘the more, the merrier’ is always the right attitude regarding the holidays.

Create displays that showcase a variety of holiday traditions from different cultures and religions. This can include decorations representing holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali, Eid, Lunar New Year, Kwanzaa, and more. These displays can highlight the richness and diversity of the community. By incorporating different holidays, municipalities can use decorations as a powerful tool to promote cross-cultural understanding and create a more inclusive environment for all residents and visitors.

Decorate Your Municipality This Holiday Season

In a world often marked by division, the beauty of Christmas decorations acts as a unifying force, transcending differences and reminding us of our common humanity. Adorning a municipality for the cherished holiday season goes far beyond mere ornamentation. It serves as a beacon of unity, a symphony of joy, and a testament to the power of community spirit. The benefits of this festive transformation ripple through the very fabric of our towns and cities, illuminating both the tangible and intangible aspects that make our communities thrive.

It's not just the visual splendor that enriches our lives; it's the profound emotional impact. Holiday decorations evoke cherished memories, kindle nostalgia, and inspire hope. They beckon us to pause, to savor the present moment, and to reflect on the joys of the past and the possibilities of the future.

From an economic standpoint, the investment in holiday decorations yields returns that extend well beyond the festive season. Local businesses flourish as the enchanting displays attract shoppers, tourists, and diners. The decorations become a backdrop for countless cherished moments, from family gatherings to romantic strolls, infusing the municipality with a sense of wonder that resonates throughout the year.

The true benefits of decorating a municipality for Christmas are immeasurable. The joy radiated by these decorations echoes in laughter, the sense of belonging, and the treasured memories they help create. They are a testament to the enduring magic of the season and a reminder that, when we come together to celebrate, the spirit of Christmas brightens not only our streets but also our hearts.

Ready to experience the impact of professional holiday decorating in your town or city?

Transform your municipality into a winter wonderland with Rent-A-Christmas.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is professional Christmas decorating and how do I choose a partner?

You may be surprised to learn that there is an entire industry of professional Christmas decorators across the globe. However, not all holiday decorators are equal. When considering a professional holiday display partner, you want to make sure the company has access to a wide range of products to help you achieve your desired look while integrating seamlessly into your existing decor. After all, your town wasn’t built specifically to showcase Christmas Decor which makes having a competent, experienced Christmas design partner to maximize its impact all the more important.  

As the modern professional Christmas decorators, Rent-A-Christmas has experienced Christmas Display Designers on staff who will help you navigate the thousands of commercial products that are available in market. What's more, Rent-A-Christmas Display Designers and Account Executives know exactly what it takes to create the perfect holiday display for your town or city. To cap it all off, we employ modern technology and tools to help our project managers, site engineers, and installers execute your display to perfection. After the season ends, we take it all down and store it in our professionally-maintained storage facilities to make sure your display looks great year-over-year.

How much should I spend on a holiday display?

This is somewhat of a tricky question as it depends greatly on the size of your town, budget, and local religious affiliations. For a moderate professional holiday display, you can expect to spend at least $10,000, inclusive of decor and professional installation. Some cities opt to spend even more, with some displays costing north of $50,000. While you might have some sticker shock - you can expect a return on this investment through increased sense of community, more downtown foot traffic, increased sales for your merchants, and increased visibility of your downtown district.

When should I start planning my Christmas display?

Another tricky question but the best advice we can offer is to start planning your holiday display as early in the year as possible. Many Rent-A-Christmas clients begin planning their displays in Q1 and Q2 as it can take 3-6 months to plan the perfect display, but if you are late to the game, we can always create a smaller display for year 1 and expand on it for later years. We know you don't run your city thinking only about Christmas, but have no fear - we do!

How do I get started with my professional holiday display?

This is an easy one! Just get in touch with Rent-A-Christmas and we can begin brainstorming ideas to help you maximize your holiday impact. We can even help promote your holiday display by creating content to drive even more foot traffic to your main street on The Yule Blog - the world's most comprehensive Christmas blog - for free! Yeah, we do that.

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